söndag 3 maj 2009


Denial… That’s the answer to why people around the world haven’t cared earlier. We’ve been thinking about the environment and climate a long time, but we have denied it’s a problem. The realization hasn’t been slow, we’ve knew it for quite some time, we’ve just denied it.

I spend a semester at an American university studying English and economics. One assignment I had was to interview a teacher regarding the relationship between the environment and the economy. The teacher I interviewed was teaching biology and been teaching in Sweden a couple of times. He’d noticed that the Swedish student had been more positive set to make an effort regarding the climate and pollutions that are taking place in our world. American students were more slowly in understand and act on the subject of. The biggest different between the students were that the Swedish students were willing to make a sacrifice to save the planet. This might be for example taking the bus instead of the car to school, or paying a little bit more for their food and supporting food that’s been locality grown.

Some of these scarifications are more or less forced by the government whit taxes and fees. If the people don’t realize that something has to be done someone have to point them in to the right direction. And when they’re on the right track it’s easier for them to continue.

By this I mean that without someone to help and lead the people towards taking action in the climate question and actually doing something about it, it won’t happen. I love the nature, our planet and I don’t want my future children to grow up in a world where they can’t breathe fresh air. But if I hadn’t been informed about the stat we’re in right now, seen the advertises concerning the environmentfriendly cars, the documentaries and so on, I wouldn’t done anything either. But when you’re forced to know, you act. You stop being slow and speed it up.

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