söndag 10 maj 2009

Do grades build you up, or do they break you down?

My first thought when I read the question was NO!! I quote Marie, “Children should be allowed to be children as long as possible.” Why do we want to put more pressure on our children than they already have? What’s wrong with being a normal student, trying to enjoy friends, school and life?

The elder you get the more pressure is put on you. Even if you’re a teenager you think that you need to act like an adult. And that’s because the world around you expects you to act like one. But it doesn’t treat you like one. Some children have to support them self as teenagers. Some children have to take care of their parents as teenagers, or some have to have children on their own. In Sweden you’re allowed to have sex at the age of 16, so consider that why shouldn’t you be able to handle grades then. But I know that there are children that becomes parents when their even younger, like 12 years old. And that is when you’re in the sixth grade in Sweden. This tells us in short that children also should get grades when they’re 12 years old, or not?

When my parents where young they didn’t have to care and think about what to do when they grew up. At least not when they where 12 years old. When you’re a teenager you have to learn how to take responsibility, how to act, how the society works and so forth. That and everything beside should be enough, why do we want to put more weight our children’s shoulders?

I don’t say that it in a few cases it could actually help. The example Marie talked about, to spot children that need some extra help in school. Or an easy way to let the parents know how their children are doing in school. But I also know that if we hire teachers that are educated and give them classes with the number of students that is possible to handle and help we have solved that problem.

With this I say that my last thought is also NO. Even considering the benefits we will be given by letting younger children get grades. I’m still sure that by letting them avoid grades as long as possible we help them develop even more. This because they are, during a longer period, able to be children and enjoy life without trouble and pressure. There is nothing wrong with trying to enjoy friends, school and life as long as possible.

1 kommentar:

  1. Content and structure:
    Your thoughts on this issue are very interesting and you have a number of good arguments, but your structure needs to be tightened up. Make sure your paragraphs are unified - that is, that you stick to one topic, and one topic only, per paragraph. The topic of each paragraph should be reflected in the topic sentence (= the first sentence of each paragraph). Right now, some of your paragraphs try to cover a bit too much.

    On the plus side, your conclusion very neatly links back to the introduction - well done!

    Generally good but with some mistakes as well.
    -Don't confuse "elder" and "older".
    -"themselves" is correct, not "them self".
    -Don't confuse "their" and "they're".
    -Don't confuse "where" and "were".
    -Avoid comma splices! We'll talk about this in class today.
    -Avoid sentence fragments! This is something else we'll be talking about in class today.

    Keep it up!
