söndag 24 maj 2009


Since we wrote about grades and the school system in one of our earlier blogs I thought I would share my opinions and point of view in a text I read a couple of weeks ago concerning the question “hidden curriculum” in school. Instead of having the same plan for everyone and giving them the same opportunities I do think that the curriculum is hidden. But it shouldn’t be, at least not if its’ good. Then it should be obvious and it should be the same in every class and school. But I don’t think that’s’ the case.

I think that the hidden curriculum is to let the students loose, but guide them through school. You can’t force someone to do something if you want them to learn it and live it. For example, enforcing grades earlier than we have it today wouldn’t help. Punish students that forgot to do their homework by hitting them, as they did a long time back, doesn’t help either.

Today the curriculum is taught the way the politicians want, with cultural influence and hopefully with a personal touch from the teachers. These aspects and some other compose an effect on the curriculum. The social aspects that are served is that it prepare the kids for the life after school, but only the life the school expects you to live. There is a big split between classes with only Swedish students and classes with foreign student. This is a lively subject on the news and an important one. It shouldn’t make any difference whether you’re from Sweden, Russia or Albania.

When my future children grow up and start school I hope this subject is solved. I want my children to go to a school where the teachers feel free to improvise and act on their thoughts. I also want the curriculum to be bright and shiny so everyone knows is, and hands it to all students, irrespective of nationality.

1 kommentar:

  1. I have enjoyed reading your text and think that the assignment is well done.

    Your text is well structured and you made no formal mistakes. In the introduction you give a clear thesis statement which means that you think about hidden curriculum. The summing up in the last paragraph is also very clear and offers a look in the future. Well done.

    It is very interesting to read your ideas concerning the methods of curriculum. Especially paragraph 3 is very informative. Perhaps you could enlarge your discussion a little bit.

    I can’t find obvious mistakes, there were only some mistakes concerning punctuation. I think you have a high level of English but you could use more transitions in your text. Here are some suggestions:
    - Paragraph1: “But I don’t think that’s’ the case.” à “But I don’t think that this is the case” sounds better
    - Paragraph2: You can’t force someone to do something if you want them to learn it and live it à “him or her” instead of “them”
    - Paragraph4: “When my future children grow up and start school I hope this subject is solved.” à use future

    Kind regards,
