torsdag 23 april 2009

TV series... importand or not?!

To write about TV series was an interesting topic for blog number two, and very topical. I love watching TV, but I also pity all those people who doesn’t do anything else besides watching TV.

I also remember those time that Teacher Marie writes about and discuses in her blog. When there was only two channels to choose from and you had to wait one or two weeks for the next episode to broadcast. During this time, or maybe a few year later, I found my favorite soap, Ally McBeal. It was love at first sight for my mother, sister and me. Ally McBeal’s content was a lawyer who happened to start working at her ex boyfriend AND his new wife’s firm. The ingredients that made this series so entertaining was that Ally was funny, she wasn’t shy, everything she made seemed going wrong, and her boss was crazy. One other thing that contributed making the show that irresistible for me, was that this was a special time that my mother, sister and I had together during the week. It doesn’t specify that the only family activity my family had was watching TV. It was just a girl thing we did together, and I loved it.

If we’re moving on to present time, I think I’ll say that Grey’s Anatomy is my favorite show. But as you all know, there are so many soaps, sitcoms and reality shows to choose from. And most of them are not that big of mental exercise for you, more the opposite.

I usually let the TV run while I’m doing something else, like reading an assignment, sewing or repairing, or talking on the phone. Since my boyfriend moved to Stockholm, and I’m only seeing him during the weekends, the TV is some sort of company. My friends and I often watch Desperate Housewife and Grey’s Anatomy together. Afterwards we let the TV be on. Even if we’re in a deep discussing about something else, we’re not bothered by the TV.

From the way I describe and act around the TV, and all it different series it sounds like I don’t enjoy it. Or think that the TV doesn’t contribute to anything important, but I do think it does. For me it’s an easy and perfect way to relax. Something entertains you, but you don’t need to pay attention to it if you don’t like it or enjoy it. The human being can’t have it in a better way.

1 kommentar:

  1. Content:
    I liked your blog and your conclusion is very nice ! The content part was very good.

    Structure :

    - You dont have a "big" introductory paragraph presenting your thesis at the end. Instead, you have a shorter one and present your thesis on the next. Actually, you have several favourite series so there is not only one "thesis statement". I like it like you did :D
    On the whole, you have a good structure. :)


    - Be careful with the title ! "Important"
    I also make those mistakes because of the keyboard when writing on the computer, don't worry but pay attention :)

    - "People don't"
    in the first paragraph :
    people who doesn’t do anything else besides watching TV

    - "I also remember those timeS" or "that time"
    in the second paragraph don't know exactly what are you referring to, but it sounds a bit confusing, it took me some time to get what you were trying to say

    - "a few yearS later"
    's' missing

    - "Ally McBeal's content was ..."
    Maybe 'content' is not the word you were looking for, what about this?:
    "In that series, Ally McBeal was a lawyer who ...."

    - "The ingredients (...) was that"
    WERE instead of WAS

    - "It doesn't specify that ..."
    I doesn't make much sense to me. I would say
    "I don't mean" or "It doesn't mean that..."

    - "But as you all know, there are so many soaps, sitcoms and reality shows to choose from"
    I think "TOO many soaps" would fit better

    - "Afterwards we let the TV be on"
    I dont know if that "be" is necessary. You can ask the teacher :)

    Overall, a good work ! =D


    PS - Sorry for the late feedback !
